Author of Teeth, Lies & Consequences & Blue Saltwater
Dan Green
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Posts by Dan Green
Dec 5th
I am grateful to announce that I have been profiled on, an online news service that provides electronic access to the B.C. BookWorld newspaper. This paper is published four times per year and is the hub of the publishing industry in British Columbia.
The goal of BCBookLook is to serve the B.C. publishing industry by providing as much useful information as possible, about as many B.C. books and authors as possible, to as many people as possible, on a daily basis, via the internet. Together with the ABCBookWorld reference service, which serves and promotes B.C authors, the two sites attract more than 4000 visitors per day.
Dentists and world mayhem
December 02nd, 2016

After a career practicing dentistry in West Vancouver, Hamilton-born Dan Green studied creative writing at UBC. He has two published books to his credit, the latest title being Teeth, Lies & Consequences (Red Tuque $19.95). The story begins in the mayhem and horrors during World War II and its aftermath. Friedrich Mueller, a well-off dentist living in Germany, is caught concealing his Jewish ancestry and must swear a secret oath to escape the gas chambers of Auschwitz. He flees to Palestine with his wife where they open a dental practice in the Jerusalem’s Old City. They practice equality and tolerance and in the process adopt Frankie, an Arab boy, only to be caught up in the sectarian violence that swept through the Middle East in 1948. The family escapes to California where Frankie grows up and follows in Friedrich’s footsteps by becoming a dentist. Initially successful serving famous Hollywood people, his life spins out of control and he travels back to Gaza to re-connect with his Arabic heritage. Things don’t go well for Frankie and he is arrested as a terrorist and murderer. Friedrich rushes to his son’s rescue only to find that, in order to save his son’t life, he must divulge the secret oath he took back in the 1940s. Dan Green continues to live in West Vancouver. He is a member of the Canadian Authors Association, The Federation of BC Writers, and the Palm Springs Writers Guild. 9781537529677
Dental Society Fundraiser
Nov 29th
My daughter and cover designer along with myself will be attending the Vancouver and District Dental Society Midwinter Convention at the Hotel Vancouver on December 2. We will be introducing the novel, “Teeth, Lies & Consequences” to dentists and their staff from the lower mainland and other parts of the province. This will be our first big push to raise money and enlist volunteers for the Semiahmoo Dental Outreach Society. $5.00 from the sale of each book will going towards the tremendous humanitarian work being done by Doctor Ken Stones and his merry band of volunteers who are presently taking care of children in the Philippines.
Five Star Amazon Reviews of Teeth, Lies & Consequences
Nov 27th
I’m gratified by the first two five star reviews on and that both readers found the depth of emotion and meaning that I tried to express about religious strife and unconditional love. I’ll be looking forward to more feedback in the coming weeks.
Book Distribution
Nov 26th
I am pleased to announce that both my new novel, Teeth, Lies & Consequences as well as Blue Saltwater will be distributed to most libraries and major bookstores by Red Tuque Books Inc. which is operated by fellow author, David Korinetz from Penticton, BC. See for more information on their catalogue.
The Third Option: Teeth, Lies & Consequences
Nov 16th
In the closing pages of T L & C as Frankie and Friedrich board a plane for Los Angeles, Frankie shares his plan of returning to Israel to open dental clinics in Israeli Muslim Communities and in the “third world” communities of new Jewish immigrants from Muslim countries.
His dream is to promote a third option of hope and reconciliation to the dominating themes of hate and revenge that govern the lives of both Jewish and Palestinian citizens in Israel.
Promoting Hope and Reconciliation may seem like a worn out cliché but in the Middle East these days it is a concept that is sadly lacking on both sides of the conflict. Maybe this story, in its own small way, can help to change that.
Teeth, Lies & Consequences: Title Launch
Nov 16th
It’s been about two weeks since this new title saw the light of day on and Kindle. Now it is also available on making it easier to access for Canadian readers. I am also working with David Korinetz, of Red Tuque Books Inc. which will be distributing the book to bookstores and libraries in Canada and the US. Hopefully by the end of the year all channels will be up and running.
Teeth, Lies & Consequences
Oct 28th
I’m excited to announce that my new novel, “Teeth, Lies & Consequences”, is now available on and on the Kindle Store. It is the story of a dentist who takes an oath to never reveal a secret but then must go against his word to save the life of his son. More detailed information can be seen on the website.
I am working with a distributor to have books available in bookstores but this is still a work-in-progress and may not happen until sometime in the new year. For those of you in Vancouver, I hope to have books available for direct sale from me in December for $25.00 CDN. Due to the prohibitive cost, I cannot do mail-outs unless prepaid. According to Canada Post, envelope cost and mailing for this book is around $14.00-17.00 per copy in Canada and around $18.00 to the US. Best deal as usual is the Kindle e-book.
For the next four months, I will be donating $5.00 CDN from the purchase of each print copy and $2.50 CDN from the purchase of each Kindle copy to the Semiahmoo Dental Outreach which is directed by my classmate and old friend, Dr. Ken Stones from White Rock, BC. All the funds generated will go toward supporting his humanitarian projects in the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Peru, Tanzania and Kenya. See for more information.
If you enjoy the book, please provide a short review on to drive the algorithm and generate interest and hopefully sales. Feel free to share this with all your friends. Any feedback you may have after reading would be much appreciated.
Surrey Writers’ Conference
Oct 23rd
I’m attending the annual Surrey Writers’ Conference today and looking forward to attending several stimulating workshops along with meeting Literary Agent, Jill Marr for a one-on-one pitch session telling her about my new novel, Teeth, Lies & Consequences.
The Davin Report: Where It All Started.
Aug 25th
After the passage of the first Indian Act in 1876, Prime Minister John A. MacDonald commissioned Mister Nicholas Flood Davin to study the workings of the Industrial Indian Boarding Schools in the United States. Davin travelled to the south and was particularly impressed with the school in Carlisle, Pennsylvania where the founder, Richard Henry Pratt claimed that he had discovered a new way to deal with the “Indian Problem”–by education and assimilation. On March 14, 1879, Davin delivered his seventeen page report to The Minister of the Interior where he recommended the funding of four schools in the West to be operated by different religious institutions. The report provides a fascinating insight into the Colonial Mindset of governments at the time and should be required reading for all students studying this sad period of Canadian history.
Residential School Victims: First Nations and Otherwise
Jun 16th
The release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Final Report, makes over ninety recommendations to provide solutions for what happened in Canada from the 1880’s until 1996 in the Indian Residential School System.
What it doesn’t mention, is that although the system primarily victimized aboriginal children, by it’s dysfunctional nature and the physical isolation of the schools, there were also casualties among the teachers and administrators who served on the front lines. Although these victims have yet to be heard from, the novel Blue Saltwater touches upon this with the predatory, alcoholic and suicidal behavior of Brother Denny Boyle, the antagonist in the story.
As Canada and the United States became populated with a dominant European culture in the nineteenth century, North American aboriginal tribes were seen to be languishing in poverty, shame and cultural disintegration. Well meaning and respected educators, clergy and government officials proposed this system as a way of elevating aboriginal children to a more assimilated and productive existence. It was thought that by removing the children from the primitive ways of their culture, changes would be more rapid and permanent. But as everyone acknowledges now, even though well intentioned, forcibly removing children from their families was a catastrophic failure in social engineering.