Author of Teeth, Lies & Consequences & Blue Saltwater
The Sooner the Better
As reported in the May 14 issue of the Globe and Mail newspaper , heated discussions between Enbridge Inc. and the first nations affected by the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline are now underway. The sooner these issues are resolved, the better it will be for all the residents affected and the Canadian economy as a whole. Since treaties were never signed by B.C. first nations, they now have much more negotiating clout then if they had signed off back in the 1850’s. Let’s hope that National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations Shawn Atleo, is successful in negotiating a new national framework affirming title rights that is fair to both sides and that creates a mutually beneficial partnership going forward. Who came first and who came later, doesn’t matter now because we’re all in this together. In this era of globalization where powerful emerging economies trample on human rights and the rule of law, Canada’s first nations and the federal government have an opportunity to build a bright independent future for our children and show the world what we have learned from the mistakes of our past.
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