Most reporting on the residential school experience has focused on the negative impacts of the system. However, there were many individuals who worked within the schools over the years; nuns, priests, brothers and lay people, who left a positive impact. One of these was was Rena Martinson who was recently made an honorary member of the Saskatchewan River First Nation. The full story about Rena’s experience can be seen at

There were many like Rena who earnestly did their best to make a positive difference in the lives of the aboriginal children under their care. The help and advice that Blue received from both Father Joe Murphy and Brother Tremblay in the story are examples of this. 

There are many similar stories that could be told by the survivors participating in the Truth and Reconcilation Commission’s deliberations currently being held across Canada. Revelations of this nature would provide balance to the conversation and would go a long way in promoting healing, understanding, and reconciliation between the Canadian public and First Nation communities.